As a substitute teacher, I have the opportunity to teach at many different schools and in many different classrooms. It is very challenging being a sub. When the students first spot me in their classrooms, I always hear them whispering, "Yay, we have a sub today!" However, I always catch them off guard by responding, "Should I be scared of what you have planned for me?" They laugh, and the ice is usually broken.
I am pretty new to teaching, but after a few weeks of subbing, I feel like a veteran. Every sub has to go through district "training," but no one ever gives you survival tips. Those you have to learn the hard way - by surviving a day of class clowns and very, very chatty adolescents who could careless if you were there or not. The students' impression of a sub is that they are powerless. How do you change their viewpoint?
Here are a few tips that every sub and regular teacher should follow to earn the students' respect and/or reinstate your authority:
First Impressions are EVERYTHING! I make sure I greet every student that walks through the door. I always ask the early arrivals questions to make them feel important or break the ice. That way they will spread the word that I am a "cool" sub.
Introductions I believe that teachers should always remember their experiences when they were in school. I remember that subs and most teachers were very mysterious. I saw them everyday and knew nothing about them. My secret is that I tell them that they can call me Ms. Godare, Ms. G or Ms. G6 (a name that some students gave me when I student-taught 6th grade last semester). It never fails. "Ms. G6?! That is the coolest nickname ever!" Then, I hear students quietly sing "Like a G6" by the Far East Movement. I always respond, "Yep, I come with my own theme music". Why do I do this? Because it connects me to the students. It let's them know that I am "with it" and we share common interest, music!
Questions I go one step further with introductions. I allow the students to ask me 3 good questions for them to get to know me better. I remind them that it has to be GOOD questions not "if I like pickles." Jokes are always good! Students respond better when a teacher uses humor. Surprisingly, I always get asked the same questions:
- "What college did I attend?" (Bottom line: Are you qualified to teach us?)
- "How old are you?" (Bottom line: Are you sure you are qualified?)
- "What inspired you to become a teacher?" (Bottom line: Ok. You are qualified, but do you really want to teach us.)
Students want to trust and respect their teachers (even subs), but you have to prove to them that you are worthy of trust and respect.
4. Talk the Talk I hear it all the time. "Ms. G6, you are the best teacher ever!" (It's a sorry dog that doesn't wag it's own tail.) When I am told this, I ask why. Feedback is important, even for teachers. I am told time and time again that it's because I don't "baby them." I talk to 5th and 6th graders like adults. I never thought that I treated them any different than other teachers, but according to them, I do. They want the responsibility. They feel that they are ready. Therefore, give them the chance to prove to you that they are responsible.
5. Questions. Answered. Another response that I get when I ask them why I am a cool teacher is that I listen to them and answer their questions. This floors me. Is it not a teacher's job to answer questions? Students claim that they are ignored by their teachers on a daily basis. They tell me that they feel unimportant and stupid when they have a question. "Our teacher tells us that she doesn't have enough time to answer our silly questions." How sad is it that teachers are so consumed with other things that they don't have enough time to help a student understand their classwork?
Reference: Judd, P. (2011). I presume you're the substitute teacher? Available from