Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lesson #8: Teach for the Future

      There are numerous ways to incorporate technology into the classroom: Web 2.0 Tools, Communication Tools, Smartboards, Smartphones, Tablets, and more. The goal and challenge for the classroom teacher is to come up with ways to use the technology effectively. So, how do you do that? Well, you could read what the U.S. Department of Education has to say on the matter (Enchancing Education Through Technology). However, it is always easier said than done. My recommendation is to be a sponge. Keep your ears and eyes open to new ideas and techniques from other teachers. Since technology improves everyday, teachers should be open to new ways of teaching daily. The more we educate ourselves the better we can teach for the future. It is very challenging teaching for a future that is unknown, but it it imperative that we, as educators, raise to the challenge. 
When incorporating technology into a lesson plan, ask yourself these questions:
1. Is it student or teacher-centered? 
2. Does it promote critical thinking?
3. Is it just presentation or does it enhance the content? 
3. Does it inspire creativity?
4. Is it compatible with different learning styles and multiple intelligences?
5. Will it build on the students' prior knowledge?


Rhonnieful. (2009). Teaching Tomorrow Today, Preparing for the Future. Available from

U.S. Department of Education. (2011). Part D - Enhancing Education Through Technology. Available from